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Merry Christmas 2023

There are only three days until Christmas! 


Everyone celebrates the holiday season differently, regardless of ttheir beliefs. Here at Jody's we have spent a lot of time watching the weather reports and planning for "what ifs". The weather stations tell us there will be no white Christmas, but that doesn't mean we do not have to be prepared for cold and ice. A fresh salt delievery is to arrive today to ensure we are well stocked over the holidays, just in case.


Our office will close from 4pm this afternoon until next Wednesday morning - although that does not mean that our team is not "on call". We just will not be answering the phone or email until after Boxing Day. Please feel free to leave messages for us that we will return then. Jody will still be watching the weather raptly, and sending out teams when needed to ensure that ice is thwarted and snow removed! However, at this point it is not looking like there will be snow until January at the earliest! The words "El Nino" seem to be bantered about our office, to the point I looked up what it meant; here is what CTV says: El Nino 2023: What to expect this winter | CTV News


As such, our expectations for a Wintery season are sadly low. 


But, in a way, our employees are grateful for the break. Jody himself will tell you of times on Christmas where he and his family were out shovelling snow before presents. Our snow team are aware that they may be called in during this primarily family time to look after snow removal if necessary - it's part of our cree. Thus, the forwarned lack of snow (albeit bitterweet for the pocket book) is not to be completely disapproved of. 


We wish you all the very happiest of seasons, and may health and wealth come your way!


Merry Christmas! 





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