For many garden lovers the Easter weekend is a very tempting time to start planting!
However, here in Southern Ontario, our weather has not been the most helpful. We have had a roller coaster ride of weather over the last couple weeks. Gorgeous sunny days, followed by frigid grey windy ones, rounded off with monsoon like rain for days in a row! As one of my neighbours put it today in an email, it has left them to start "Looking for someone to roll our lawn once the ark leaves".
The flooding on my own property has created small ponds, and turned our pond into a lake (which our ducks are loving, and has foiled our one dog's attempt to follow them incessantly, as she then had to breast stroke her way to shore). Living in Water World is funny for the first couple days, but soon wears thin. The flooding in my basement and constant running of the sump pump is not helping. As such, I can't say I feel I have the gumption to start thinking about planting. But that's just me.
Some people are itching to get out to the garden centres, with big brands like Terra and Harper's having already been open for awhile, and our local stops having just started to get their Spring inventory in. Generally they have all posted their Easter weekend hours, with being open the Saturday only the most consistent result. So for sure, browsing your favourite garden centre can be on the weekend to-do list!
Now, what about planting?
Honestly, given our current weather and temperatures (we are still getting some frost overnight), the recommendation is.... hold off. I understand the temptation is there, but even if you have a greenhouse, the sun isn't revealed from the clouds consistently or long enough during the day to ensure proper temperatures. There is one species that be planted if you really must: Brassica oleracea. This includes Kale, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli, and Brussel Sprouts. They won't grow fast, but they will be tolerant of our given temperature changes.
There are some things you can do inside if you want to get a head start to your garden though! Now is the time (if you haven't already) to start your seedlings inside. Here is a great guide to helping you get started: The Ultimate Seed Starting Guide
If you would really like to have some Eastery flowers about the house, the grocery stores tend to carry Lillies (avoid if you have cats), Daffodils, Crocuses, and Hyacinths. There are some other 'Easter' flower types (see the top 9 here), but personally these are the ones I think of.
I will pop in two shout-outs, although one is for a bakery in Hamilton, but if you want AMAZING Easter treats check out these two stops: Ritzy's Bakery & Delhi (Waterford) and My Sweetooth Bakery (Hamilton).
Beyond that, we here at Jody's Lawn Care wish you and your families a great long Easter weekend!