Welcome to 2023!
With the change in calendar and year, it appears Mother nature has also changed the season! We may have struggled through snow and ice on Christmas weekend, but this week we appear to have stepped straigh into Spring!
But, we are reluctant to be fooled. Rain and warm weather may be here now, only (possibly) to be replaced with snow squals and frostbite if we do not pay attention. The weather forecast attempts to assure us that this warm weather will last, but we know what a fickle mistress Nature can be.
This is a good time to have a look at your yard though - if there were areas of clean up that you were not able to attend to when the snow started to fly, now may be your chance. Clean up the dog messes, and perhaps clear some of the last bits of leaves. Some of the weeds that were too firmly planted to be removed may have loosened their grip on the soil too.
It is also a good time to clear any junk that perhaps started to collect a bit too much snow - the scrap collectors and garbage dumps are open, and now is a good time to make that rubbish hit the road!
You can also reach out to some of the seed catalogues to ensure you are on their distribution lists - there may be some flowers or veggies you want to eye for this year's garden! it may even be warm enough to give your compost heap a turn over too.
New year, new start one may suggest. We prefer to air on the side of caution and suggest "new year, new plan", gives us a bit more flex room in case things ahve to change or do not quite work out the way we hope. We know many will look at thie yards and gardens in this time of pseudo-spring with ambitious eyes, and we look forward to helping you enact your horticultural hopes; just be sure that we start to plan these goals when we know the snow will not come back. it will ensure a lot less heartbreak, and a lot more success!