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Treat Your Lawn to a Little JLC.

Just like that - we feel like we are into Fall!

Image by freepik


We understand that the weather in Canada has always been a tad unpredictable, but we are

beginning to feel shorted on our actual seasons! They all seem to be merging into one!


Summer was a mish mash of Spring showers and hot humid deadly hot Summer days (possibly in a 60:40 split). We thought we were just starting to get some decent reasonably warm, sunny days, when WOOSH! Now we are ito Fall. Solidly, Fall. At 10 degrees Celcius this morning, we are back to donning our sweaters and contemplating warm drinks when the breeze is strong.


We didn't get as many ideal days as we perhaps would have liked, especailly when it seemed a plot against us that the majority of weekends were doused in rain.


However, the positives are thus:

- we can now complete our grub suppression applications

- hauling giant hoses in cool weather is ALWAYS better than hot weather (for our final round of weed spraying)

- the weed burden will reduce with the cooler temperatures (less ideal growing environment)

- less mosquitoes and lake bugs

- this is much better weather for our dogs!


I have just been told that next week is back to hot Summer heat - so now that we have potentiaslly adjusted to the *new* weather the old weather is going to throw itself back into our faces >_<


.... thanks Canada.

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