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Winter Storm Approaching


All our weather watch stations and links tell us to be prepared for some real snow this weekend!


This sends thrills and chills down our spines as we begin to assemble our crews and triple check the status of our trucks and supplies. It's funny, although most of the world hopes for a white Christmas, we know our guys dread it a little bit as it means we will be pulled from warm hearths and family gatherings to ensure that the snow is cleared, the driveways and sidewalks safe and clean. But, it's part of the job requirements. 


As we plan and prepare for this storm during Christmas time we want to make sure we’ve got you covered. We may have fewer staff at various times during the weekend but if we know what your operations are like on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day or if there is any kind of shut down happening, then we can work around that to be sure you’re property is serviced properly and at appropriate times. 


If there are any details you can let us know ahead of time, we would appreciate you emailing them to us at [email protected] or calling us 519-428-9144 (our answering machine is checked daily).


This is going to be a long weekend for our company and teams - and we hope that everyone stays safe, and has a merry Christmas and happy holidays. 


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